TCO & CO₂ Calculator

Curious about your savings with eLux vs. Windows?
Interested in how much you can save with eLux on laptops/notebooks compared to Windows?
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Please check your email. You will receive your results shortly.
Savings with
eLux after 3 years
Total cost savings with eLux after 3 years
Total CO₂ savings with eLux after years
Total Costs
Total CO₂ Emissions
Acquisition | 00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Deployment | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Licensing | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Maintenance | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Supply | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Use | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Savings with
eLux after 5 years
Total cost savings with eLux after 5 years
Total CO₂ savings with eLux after years
Total Costs
Total CO₂ Emissions
Acquisition | 00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Deployment | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Licensing | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Maintenance | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Supply | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Use | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Savings with
eLux after 7 years
Total cost savings with eLux after 7 years
Total CO₂ savings with eLux after years
Total Costs
Total CO₂ Emissions
Acquisition | 00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Deployment | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Licensing | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Maintenance | 0.00 €£$ | 0.00 €£$ |
Supply | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Use | 0.00 kg | 0.00 kg |
Curious about your savings with eLux vs. Windows?
Interested in how much you can save with eLux on laptops/notebooks compared to Windows?
Thank you
Please check your email. You will receive your results shortly.