Use Cases

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Use Case

Scale Your Business

Scale your business in a rapidly evolving hybrid IT world comprising of VDI, DaaS environments and cloud-based delivery models. Organizations are constantly seeking ways to balance on-premise, VDI environments and newer SaaS-based, digital workspace scenarios. While there is no right answer, the only thing that matters is business continuity, maintaining organizational agility and employee productivity now and in the long run.
Use Case

Manage Your Workloads

Unicon is uniquely positioned to work with companies that have on-premises, VDI environments and those that are moving their enterprise workloads to the cloud. With more and more applications being delivered via digital workspaces, it becomes imperative for companies to work out efficient ways of managing endpoint devices without overwhelming local IT. Unicon solutions are designed to manage fleets of thin clients and x86 platform devices of any size and scale providing IT a lean way of management that saves not just on costs but also time and effort.
Use Case

Secure Your End-points

Scaling up your IT indefinitely also means worrying about security risks and threats for endpoint devices that quite possibly operate in remote, distributed locations. Unicon enables companies to securely deploy digital workspaces through a proven, hardware agnostic, Linux-based OS and a robust end-point management solution.
Use Case

Empower Your Workforce

The new normal demands a different way of working both for companies and employees that are part of this reality. Large enterprises and companies can easily empower their workforce by deploying digital workspaces, unified communication and collaboration (UC&C) anytime, anywhere without worrying about endpoint security. Unicon ensures that IT administrators can deploy, remotely manage and also secure far-flung endpoint devices in a lean, efficient manner.

Other Use Cases

Simplify Your IT
Enterprises and companies constantly deal with an ever-growing stack of SaaS, browser-based applications and authentication methods to stay agile and relevant. Unicon enables IT administrators to simplify day-to-day operations ensuring that business-critical applications can be deployed to end-points at all times without disruption.
Enable Business Continuity
Businesses operating in the new normal need to factor in how their IT operations can maintain business continuity despite of local or global disruptions. Unicon and its growing ecosystem of technology partners in virtualization, security and UC&C ensure just that.
Protect Your Data
Enterprises and companies always need to ensure their data is safe, secure so they remain in compliance. Unicon understands this need and has solutions that can help organizations protect their data in a lean, efficient manner through a hardware-agnostic, Linux-based OS and a robust management solution.
Modernize Your IT
Organizations can no longer afford to lose their real competitive edge – their people—considering that everyone is offering digital workspaces, anytime-anywhere, flexible way of working as incentives to attract the next generation of co-creators and collaborators.
Lean IT
Unicon solutions are designed for large enterprises and companies that want a lean, effective and efficient way of managing their ever-growing network of devices, enterprise-, SaaS-based applications that have to also be deployed in remote, distributed scenarios.
Unicon solutions are ideal for large enterprises and companies of all sizes that are exploring cloud platforms and SaaS applications to deliver a consistent, secure experience to their users via digital workspaces.
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